Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Villains of The People's Republic of Retail

From my novel, "The People's Republic of Retail": Villains, villainy... villainous. Everyone loves a bad guy. We sometimes root for the bad guy. Even in real life. Look at John Dillinger. A lot can be done with villains. They can be complicated and multi-layered like Sinestro or Heath Ledger's Joker. They can be over the top like Ricardo Montalban's Khan.

Whichever way you go, villains (whether they know they are or not) are essential to plot. They are the fulcrum upon which the lever of the story moves. Without them, our heroes are left wandering aimlessly in a world without order... sort of like us. I shall now introduce you to the assorted sordid types in my novel, "The People's Republic of Retail":

William Augustus Cox aka Bill Cox is the depraved tyrant store manager of the Sarasota Mega Mart in which our story takes place. The predominantly South American crew that works in Mega Mart's Garden Center refer to him as "Diablo Blanco".

Heinrich "Hank" Balzac aka Wolfgang Hauptman is a former Nazi youth who stole out of Germany as the Russians came storming in with his "Reich Mart" plans signed by Hitler himself. He eventually settled in Dillweed, Texas where he cultivated a fake everyman image and founded Mega Mart.

Alexis Chamberlain is M.Alice's "S'Mother" and candidate for Governor of Florida.

Simon Andrew Tan aka S.A. Tan is the head of Chem-Corp which owns the Sugar Candy Mountain Snack Company. He is also the founder of the Conservative American Recovery Team (CON-A.R.T). Due to his lack of nutritional concern for the products he markets to children, he has been dubbed - "The Duke of Diabetes". Coincidentally, the reporter who coined that term has not been seen or heard from since.

Elphaba Phillips was a lawyer who won a lucrative settlement when a tenement building near Chicago's Oz Park collapsed killing her sister.  She suffers from chlorosis, a condition that has turned her skin green. She founded the Eastboro Baptist Church and virulently hates homosexuals - which includes the self loathing she has for her self as a closeted lesbian.

President Ben Borgia is a direct descendant of the Borgias. He is elected as the candidate for President and refuses to relinquish power when his term is up.

The Dumas Brothers are the financial muscle behind the movement.

Francis "Speedy" Limburger and his simian counterpart BONZO are the propaganda machine behind the CON-A.R.T.ists. Bonzo has a penchant for throwing feces at liberal guests of the show when Speedy tips him off by using the term "elites", which he does so often.

Pat O'Toole is the main anchor on the 24 hour Conservative News Television. He has made a career of labeling his opponents as "terrorists". He himself was once a bomber for the IRA which is a closely guarded secret.

Chuck Cluck. Entrepreneur,, Klansman. Bring the kids down for a Little Chicken Clucker Special and help fund hatred and extremism.

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